All sekiro endings one playthrough xbox one
All sekiro endings one playthrough xbox one

all sekiro endings one playthrough xbox one

You should have the option to Eavesdrop on Emma and Kuro. Rest at the idol then head to the library in Kuro’s Room and hug the wall. Eavesdrop on Emma and Kuro at Kuro’s RoomĪfter you defeat Owl, exhaust the dialogue with Kuro and light the incense. Once you’ve defeated OWL you will need to eavesdrop on a number of important conversations. This will cause you to fight your father to the death. To unlock the Purification ending, select Break the Iron Code, stay loyal to Kuro on top of the Ashina Castle tower. Once you’ve unlocked the Shura ending simply reload your backup and choose to stay loyal to Kuro to advance the storyline towards the other three endings. Upon defeating both Emma and Isshin you will unlock the Shura ending which grants you the achievement of Shura and Isshin Ashina. If you select Obey the Iron Code, forsake Kuro, you will unlock two boss fights that are only accessible in the Shura ending. Break the Iron Code, stay loyal to Kuro (Immortal Severance ending, Purification ending, Return ending).

all sekiro endings one playthrough xbox one all sekiro endings one playthrough xbox one

Obey the Iron Code, forsake Kuro (Shura Ending).At this point you will need to decide which ending you are going for as OWL presents you with a couple of options: Once you reach the top of the Ashina Castle tower (where you fought Genichiro) a cutscene will trigger featuring OWL and Kuro. You will need to access Ashina Castle via the Abandoned Dungeon Entrance idol. Once you have this item you will notice that Ashina Castle is no longer accessible. To unlock this ending playthrough the story up to the moment you’ve collected the Lotus of the Palace (guarded by the Guardian Monkey). The Shura ending is the first ending you need to unlock in Sekiro. Note: Make your backup before interacting with OWL.

All sekiro endings one playthrough xbox one